Saturday, July 17, 2010

Time to catch up! Wednesday & Thursday

Wednesday was spent in the hospital. I have no pictures from this day. But basically Jessica, KC, and I spent the entire day with one girl, Jenny, who was hooked up to machines, had an extremely slow heart rate, and was basically not really there and dying. We sang to her, read her books, talked to her parents, and truly were blessed being able to spend the day with her when it could have been spent with her parents. And Wednesday night was an intense prayer night at the church.

Thursday was back at the orphanage! We got to play with kids, piƱatas, monkeys, and I got a tour of the gardens where they grow all the food they eat. I also got to meet mami, the woman who founded the orphanage 50 years ago. She was like the wise oracle that we stumbled upon in one of the rooms, haha, and she had a lot of interesting stories to tell us.

Oh! And on my last blog I talked about Jayson, who needs a heart transplant. One person asked on my blog how much it cost and I asked the nurse. She first told me that it was lack of resources (aka hearts) and that we couldn’t really help. But now she told me he has been put on a waiting list for a transplant and that if anyone could help pay, she is counting on it. So if you are interested in helping pay even a little for this beautiful boy’s transplant, please please let me know and don’t leave the comment as “anonymous” for you name. Thanksss!


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  1. We could donate $100 to Jayson to help with his medical bill. Let us know how to set it up.

  2. i'll donate 50! i'm reading through all your posts that i've missed. it's heart breaking but amazing.

  3. I can donate! Just tell me how?

  4. Thanks you guys, it seriously means so much! Basically we are still waiting for the nurse to email Leah back with a price estimation.... <3
