Saturday, July 17, 2010


Friday was plain weird. In the morning, we went to visit Jenny immediately. Her vitals were back and she had miraculously went fro being brain dead to, well, not being brain dead. It was seriously a miracle. I felt really sick this day so in the afternoon I stayed in the hostal to sleep. That afternoon, Jenny passed away while Jessica, KC, and a few others were praying for her. Everything happens for a reason, maybe I wouldn’t have been able to handle her death, so I’m glad I got to say goodbye to her in the morning, but it was not expected, especially after the exciting news from the morning.

Looking back, we think Jenny went from brain dead to not in order to show that God really does answer prayers. And in the afternoon, God was ready for her. It’s not really a better life being hooked up to machines with an inoperable tumor, so there was a sense of peace over her death, even though it was a hard day. Timing was insane, too. The last day our team was in the hospital, they last hour, she passed away, with our team there. One of the songs that we (Jessica, KC, and I) specifically made for Jenny and sang to her multiple times was sung often afterwards. And from the last time I saw her, she still had the little pink heart sticker I put on her fingernail from the week before. :)

I’m going to miss Jenny and her beautiful soul. But she really is in a much more beautiful place now.

IMG_0550 Just a picture of Diego from the morning.


In addition to Jenny, we also got to talk with Gerardo, who cut his foot with a machete and lost a pint of blood. One girl Ricky from PLC donated blood for him because she is his same blood type and got to watch her blood be used for this child.

The doctor on the children’s ward took pictures with us, told us thank you, and even gave us bracelets as a gift. Everyone here is so compassionate, it’s crazy.


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