Tuesday, July 20, 2010

El Fin

Estoy un poco triste porque no quiero salir Honduras y regresar a Los Estados Unidos. But, I know I brought back a part of Honduras with me :)

I went to help, to show love, and give a little. But I think I received much much more than I gave. I received an immense amount of love from a country that knows how to shower people with kindness. I saw joy that I don’t see in the U.S. A joy that doesn’t come from things but instead from friends and family and faith. I saw children in the smallest little casitas in the cardboard villages laugh with joy because someone was there to play with them and give them a piece of paper to color. I heard laughter throughout the country, I heard poetry in the language of the people, I felt God’s presence. I hope to bring back some of this joy, some of this appreciation and contentment that many lack back home. Instead of more more more, or better, better, better, I have seen true happiness with one’s situation. Love for God that is inspirational.

I really appreciate all of the people from Honduras that touched my life, all those that helped us along the way, such as Pastor Jose, Pastor Julio, Andie, Kimi, Joel, Don, Lori, Moises, and so many more, every child that touched my life, the people in the village who were so grateful for everything, those in the orphanage, the brave children in the hospital who had such strong spirits and the most beautiful smiles, everyone from PLC, and even those at the Hostal. And of course my UCLA team :)

I’m really going to miss Honduras. Like a lot. I’m going to miss the downpour of rain every night, having Baleadas every day (if not lunch than dinner), all of the inside jokes, the warm ocean water, the beautiful landscape with green mountains, the immersion of the spanish language…I could go on.

Thanks for following, everyone, and for being a part of my trip with me!

One last thing- I’ll contact you guys who said you could help with Jayson’s heart transplant. Apparently, he was put on the waiting list BECAUSE of someone’s blog comment on here asking about the price and me mentioning it to the nurse. Gloria a Dios! hehe

Till the next trip, whenever and wherever that may be ;)


The last picture that I have yet to upload. It’s Antonio; he worked nights at the hostal.

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